Tuesday, October 14, 2008

keeping you updated


Welcome to my first blog ever! I have had a lot to say but since I can't type or write or read, I have to had to wait for my mom and dad to let you know what's been up in my world. A WHOLE LOT! So, I am 9 months and 3 weeks today and as my mom will say, I am growing like a weed. My favorite thing in the world is to STAND! I love to stand. I even stand sometimes without holding on to anything. Sometimes, I will hold things in my hands and stand for about 3mins until I remember I am not holding on to anything. WHEW! That was close!
I love to eat grownup food, baby jar food is sooooo yesterday. I make sure to get on mommy or daddy's lap when they are eating so I can get a taste too. Mommy says the food is too spicy for me but I want to try it anyway. So far, I have had a lot of Nigerian food and I like it, even the dark guey stuff. LOL! Daddy, when am I going to try some Jamaican food? Mommy says curry chicken is really good. Uncle Bimbo also gave me some chinese fried rice this past weekend. That was yummy!!!

There goes Reeces, I will be back later.... Did I mention that my second favorite thing to do is to play with Reeces? Even though she always seems to be running away from me.... here she goes again....! Wait up Reeces

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